Shadowrun (J)

Genre: Action , Role-Playing (RPG)
Publisher: SEGA Corporation
Year: 1994

Welcome to 2050, chummer. Shadowrun is an action RPG of epic proportions. You take on the role of Joshua, a Shadowrunner out to discover who murdered his brother. Along the way you get into street brawls, deadly gunfights, run the Matrix, slip into and out of the MegaCorps, explore the wild wilderness and deal with every low-life mage and high-tech cyber Street Samurai in Seattle. Shadowrun was based on the FASA RPG of the same name, and while real-time, modeled every rule from the paper system, from character stats to experience to combat to weapons and equipment. The game used an overhead view for physical combat, and a third person "POV" view when on Matrix runs. It allowed two other characters to join your party, temporarily of "for life", however short that was...

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